Cartoonist Group Licensing
Speed Bump: About | Collections

About Speed Bump

  • Dave Coverly admits there is no overriding theme or philosophy that describes Speed Bump. "Basically," he says, "if life were a movie, these would be the outtakes."
  • Speed Bump's charming and ever-so-clever take on life promises the delightful element of surprise and the "aha moment" cherished by all.
  • Winner of the coveted Reuben Cartoonist of the Year (2009), Coverly employs both animals and people as engaging characters in favorite themes including family, technology and work life, to name a few.

Fan Reach

Speed Bump is distributed in over 400 newspapers and websites in the US and globally including the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Examiner, Toronto Globe and Mail, Irish Times (Dublin) and the Observer (London)
Coverly's cartoons have been included in some of the most-widely read magazines in the world including The New Yorker and Parade Magazine.

Brand Personality

LOL Humor   Whimsical Designs   Engaging
Kind-Hearted   Fun-Loving   Clever

Fan Profile

Females 50%/Male 50%, College Educated, 18+, Median HHI $75K+

Consumer Appeal

  • Wide consumer appeal
  • Surprising spin on the ordinary
  • Award-winning gift for cartooning
Evergreen themes, often using animals, provide sidesplitting comic relief.
In a world that can never have too much positive energy, Speed Bump offers clever, charming and kind-hearted humor that does not disappoint!
Over 5000 cartoons at
Custom art available, too!